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荷兰RSM的Finance & Investments和Finance & Investments Advanced难度差别多大?
荷兰RSM的Finance & Investments和Finance & Investments Advanced难度差别多大? | admin | 2018-06-08


Business school rankings from the Financial Timesrankings.ft.com


而今天重点讲的是Master of Finance的专业,在RSM当中是比较偏向投资的,所以整个的硕士名称是:


MSc Finance & Investments


MSc Finance & Investments Advanced 单纯看名字,一个advanced就似乎“高级”了很多




Who is this programme for?

For recent bachelor graduates in business, economics, finance or accounting, this one-year (12 month) full-time MSc qualification in Finance and Investments deals with financial decision-making from a management perspective.


Who is this programme for?

This programme is for the most talented and ambitious candidates prepared to make an extra effort in return for a prime master degree in finance, and offers outstanding contact with dedicated corporate partners and dedicated career development support to boost master graduates' first career moves. Recent bachelor graduates in business, economics, finance or accounting with a good track record are invited to apply.


但是关于长度,会比姐妹项目要长至少4个月:You will be challenged over 16 months with advanced academic courses。


FI: this RSM programme has the advantage of being one of the few universities in the Benelux countries to have programme partnership status with the Chartered Financial Analyst Institute®, (CFA). Your future career as a financial analyst or investment banker will benefit from the RSM MSc degree qualification and preparation for CFA® exams within one academic year. 在FI的一般情况下,与CFA有合作的关系,而financial analyst和investment banker两个职位也是告诉我们动机信申请当中一定要有具体的职位来支撑职业规划,否则就成空谈了。学校的宣传也是针对职位来讲什么样的人适合。

FIA: It demands extra endeavour but in return gives you an increased advantage in the job market and superior exposure to potential employers, thanks to the programme'sunique relationships with corporate partners and the embedded internship. Corporate partners include Rabobank, Deloitte, Unilever, Achmea, Oliver Wyman and Merrill Lynch. 从在读的角度上面来讲,FIA要难很多,也难毕业很多,因为整个项目不仅仅是门槛高了,而且整个项目的难度也增加了,但是比FI项目有更多的职业资源,尤其是合作的公司和实习。


FI:整体结构 Core courses are compulsory and will be offered during the autumn semester (22 ECTS). Master electives (18 ECTS) are offered during the spring semester, of which one elective can be chosen from another MSc programme. During the year, students work on a master thesis project (20 ECTS). 22个核心必修课,18个选修,同时20个学分在毕业论文上面,可以看到是属于中规中矩的MSF。




而FIA:整体的项目比60个学分的FI要长,而长出来的部分是:The MSc Finance & Investments Advanced is a 90 ECTS programme with a duration of 16 months. It consists of 60 ECTS towards the degree plus 30 ECTS of additional components: advanced courses, enhanced career preparation, an internship, high-profile external lecturers, intensive contact with corporate partner companies and study trips. 高级课程,职业预备,实习,外部讲座,与合作公司接触的密集训练课,可以看出与FI的差别,非常强调职业背景,有MBA的风采,但没有MBA强行要求工作经验的要求,但是申请难度比FI高很多,但是仍然与MBA有本质不同,因为MBA是大杂烩,其中有具体分支但是不明显,而FIA是金融硕士,但是是进阶版本的。







FI:The 2018-2019 tuition fee for the MSc programmes is approximately €17.500 per year. For students who have already completed a master in the Netherlands (and obtained the diploma) the tuition fee for a 2nd master is €11.000.国际学生第二个硕士学位是会便宜一些。

FIA:MSc Finance & Investments Advanced programme is a 16-month programme. The expected total for non-EEA students is therefore approximately €31,333 (including the additional one-time fee of €8,000) for the duration of this programme and for students coming from within the EEA approximately €10 746 (also including the one-time fee). Please note that the tuition fee is subject to change.可见FIA是贵很多的。。。整个学费是 €23.333 ,加上8000的一次性费用。







A research university bachelor’s degree containing a minimum total of approximately 20 ECTS in qualitative and quantitative research methods and statistics as well as a minimum of 40 ECTS in advanced courses in business administration and financial methods & tools 需要有20个学分在毕业论文和统计的合在一起的学分当中,同时40个学分是BA相关(商务管理相关),包括金融,会计,管理,市场,物流,和经济学本身的课程都可以算,所以一般商科学生都是够的。



Can I complete a pre-master programme in order to obtain more relevant courses?

RSM only offers pre-master programmes to students with a diploma obtained at an applied sciences university. It is not possible to join a pre-master with a research university background in order to obtain more relevant courses.


What if my bachelor programme does contain any business related courses?

For most MSc programmes it is required that an applicant has obtained a solid background (at least 60 ECTS or a third of your studies) in the indicated related field. If you have not followed any business related courses, you can take a look at the MScBA Master in Management – a programme designed especially for students with a non-business background.

5.3 GPA要求:

FI:GPA equivalent to a 7 out of 10 in the Dutch education system

FIA:GPA greater than 7.5 (out of 10 in the Dutch education system). The most competitive scores will be selected. 7.0/10是相当于我们的4分制的3.0,而7.5是相对于3.5/4


FIA/FI:IELTS: minimum sub scores 6.5 OR TOEFL: minimum overall score 91+ minimum sub scores 22. Scores must be submitted by the application deadline or before the programme has reached capacity.雅思单科最低6.5,但是托福有小分要求。

5.5 GMAT要求


Submitting a GMAT score is mandatory (see exemptions below). The minimum required score is 600 (For MSc Finance & Investments Advanced 650). Applications without a sufficient and valid GMAT score will not be considered for admission. SAT and GRE scores will not be accepted.


Students with a bachelor degree from a research university (WO) issued by a University in the Netherlands that have a GPA of 7.0 or higher are exempted from submitting a GMAT score.


1. What demonstrates your sincere interest in the programme you are applying for?

2. How do you expect the programme you are applying for to contribute to your future plans?

3.Why should we select you to participate in the programme you are applying for?

4. What other relevant information do you want to share with us in order to motivate your application?


FI:15 May or until programme has reached maximum capacity (whichever occurs first)200 students, rolling admission applies

FIA:31 March for all applicants,40 students, selective admission



