昨天我们说到了交互设计的主题,Priscilla有个学校没说够,就是英国邓迪大学。昨天给大家普及了HCI(人机交互Human Computer Interaction) 和ID(交互设计Interaction Design)的区别。相信今天大家就都明白了ID的侧重点,侧重设计方面,虽然也有计算机和信息技术渗透在产品本身,给客户带来创新性的体验。但是终归,Msc Interaction Design 侧重的是设计和视觉方面,是效果。所以打着Interaction Design MA/Msc, User Experience Design MSc, Integrated Product Design MA, Strategic Product Design MA等等字样的学校就会被归类为在交互设计这个大概念下设计本科背景的孩子能够申请的专业。而HCI(人机交互Human Computer Interaction) 更多欢迎的都是计算机,工业设计,工程类EE背景的学生来申请。
好了,背景又讲了一遍。但是问题来了,英国邓迪大学的交互设计硕士名字明明叫做User Experience Design MSc,但是是否本科设计专业的孩子能够直接申请呢?
MSc User Experience Engineering brings together knowledge and skill sets into a single programme focused on the user experience. The importance of human computer interaction and good interface design is increasingly recognised as the key to the future of successful software development. User-centric software and hardware are evolving at a phenomenal rate and becoming ever more important in product design as technological breakthroughs drive innovation in products.
看到这些字眼我相信学习设计本身出身的,比如平面设计,室内设计,纯设计BA的学生已经有点不淡定了,因为英国邓迪大学项目其实强调的是新设计的产品中技术操作层面,如何将更好的软件和硬件技术投入到产品开发当中,而使得创新后的产品被受众所喜爱,且对于生活带来质的改变。这么说很抽象,但是周边的例子就是苹果智能手机从2011年开始带来的革新和微信对我们生活的影响。而如果英国邓迪大学将苹果手机和微信应用看做作品集的话,那么更加看重和强调的就是开发智能手机的技术层面和云服务技术,微信的技术开发和升级等等。而不是传统英国交互设计interaction design MA带给大家更多视觉和设计理念的体验。
Semester 1 (Sept-Dec)
Computing the User Experience (20
Credits) - understand the set of factors that can affect the experience that
users have when engaging with technology/computing based devices and services.
These factors will be explored from the perspective of the usage in context,
candidate technologies and social and institutional issues.
Elective Module- one from: 选修课基本上都是计算机和工科类。。。。。。
Software Development
Software Engineering
Agile Engineering
Technology Innovation Management
Secure e-Commerce
Computer Graphics
Computer Vision
Multimedia Audio
International Marketing
Eye Movements & Cognition (10
Quantitative Methods (10 Credits)
而我们看到传统的Interaction Design MA/Msc的课程设置:强调设计类的交互应该长这个样子。。。。
Interaction Design and Evaluation Process
Interface and Information Design
Research Methods
Major Project
Options (subject to change):
Marketing for Interactive Technologies
Interactive Technologies Business Context
Intellectual Property Law
Web Development
Creative Design Lab
Project Management
Independent portfolio project
Independent research project
所以偏重设计的小伙伴们不要再申请邓迪了,如果你是工业设计毕业的或者CS/EE/CE毕业的,没有问题,但如果连C++课程和基本的编程课程都没有,我觉得真的是跟不上,匹配度为0的节奏啊, 而且这也说明Priscilla反复苦口婆心劝大家的:你以为你真的了解学校的项目吗?根据名字就乱申请的有多少悲剧每年还在发生?