The short version is: 22% more applications, lots more decisions processed, despite BREXIT EU numbers up slightly on last tear, other national markets have seen large increases, as ever lots of unevenness across departments and programmes.
Headline Numbers - end of January 2021
总共有29946份申请递交,比今年同期预计的数量上涨了65% (因为录取组是要考虑转化率的,所以录取组也要预估不同时段的申请量和发出的offer量以及最终到场的学生量,节省人力成本)。同时这个申请量也在去年20年已经贸易战很爆满的状况下上涨了21.8%。和5年前相比上涨了42%。。。。。。。
Accounting +10.3% (1299 applications),会计1299份申请,上涨10.3%
Anthropology +18.3% (421)
Economic History +41.2% (449) 上涨比较多的专业
Economics +19.2% (1936)
European Institute +18.1% (496)
Finance +29.9% (2860) 金融涨幅接近30%
Gender Studies +15.1% (555)
Geography and Environment +30% (1836) 地理类专业今年上涨比较多
Government +24.9% (1426)
Health Policy +13.8% (396)
International Development +11.3% (1238)
International History +35.7% (369)
International Relations +18.5% (1420)
Law +21.6% (2299)
Management +13.4% (3794) 其实这个申请量虽然你看起来很多,但是实际涨幅不大,这个意思是说每年的管理专业其实都很多人竞争,因为可以转专业,所以会出现各种五花八门的专业递交来。
Mathematics +32.5% (1191)
Media and Communication +21.5% (1892) 媒体21年的难度都超过Pris的预期了,已经在英国难度快赶得上会计金融之外第三最难申请的专业了。LSE的媒体其实没太多同学必须挑战,没有类似华威和KCL的火爆,但就这样都上涨了21.5%
Methodology -13.9% (396)
Philosophy +18.6% (274)
Psychological and Behavioural Science +25.8% (1062)
School of Public Policy +36.2% (688)
Social Policy +27.6% (776)
Sociology +18.7% (1088)
Statistics +29.8% (1654) 统计学上涨30%,去年其实统计学的LSE和UCL已经很艰难了。。。
MSc Economic History +66% (281)
MSc Global Politics +60% (206)
MSc International Health Policy (Health Economics) -15% (99) 这是今年减少申请的专业,但是冷门的专业其实建议同期的同学可以捡漏,但是下一学年的同学谨慎参考,因为有时候前面一年的冷门和捡漏会成为下一年的爆款。所以现在要补申的同学可以考虑这样减少申请捡漏专业。
MSc Real Estate Economics and Finance +73% (490)
MSc Geographical Data Science (NEW) - 32 applications
MSc Health Data Science (NEW) - 53 applications
MSc International and Asian History +52% (35)
MSc Modern History (NEW) - 29 applications
MSc Operations Research and Analytics +45% (382)
MSc Applied Social Data Science -19% (276)
MSc Psychology of Economic Life +62% (180)
MPP +47% (336)
MSc Criminal Justice Policy +132% (86)
MSc Human Rights and Politics +37% (145)
MSc Statistics +32% (273)
China 42.2% (13709 applications)- up by 19% (2234 applications) on 2020
India 9.4% (2695) - up by 47%
US 7% (1999) - up by 29%
UK 6.7% (1784) - up by 33%
Germany 2.5% (693) - up by 12%
Italy 1.8% (492) - down by 7%
Canada 1.9% (540) - up by 29%
France 1.7% (490) - up by 8%
Hong Kong 1.1% (356) - up by 50%
Japan 0.9% (248) - up by 24%
Pakistan 1.1% (308) - up by 23%
Brazil 1% (263) - up by 36%
Turkish 0.9% (268) - up by 60%
South Korea 0.9% (265) - down by 7%
Mexico 0.9% (240) - up by 48%
Chile 0.8% (226) - up by 15%
Columbia 0.9% (235) - up by 26%
These reports, and more, can be found on the Graduate Selectors' website here. Don't forget, you can always contact Graduate Admissions at grad_selectors@lse.ac.uk if you have questions, or need some help.