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【成功案例10】Data Science数据分析:集齐6个学校录取可以召唤阿拉丁神灯吗?
【成功案例10】Data Science数据分析:集齐6个学校录取可以召唤阿拉丁神灯吗? | admin | 2018-06-08

学生:WP,一个萌妹子,但是经常说软件工程让她变成了女汉子,还经常打趣让别人叫她“Data小狂人”。。。。。这个趣味真是。。211背景,来的时候很明确,以后想要在类似facebook这样的公司做data analytics,定位也非常明确,而且因为是软件工程背景出身,不想商科分支,不想申请Business Analytics商业分析,而是单纯想做数据研究,以后要不要工作几年再读博士没有定,但是有这个倾向。家里经济条件所致,无法供应美国加州的学校,在经济上面做了多重考虑后定位欧洲,混合欧洲申请。


1。Technical University of Munich:Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) (2年项目)有条件性录取,要求额外提交GRE;

2。Delft University of Technology: MSc Computer Science,Track: Data Science & Technology (2年项目)录取,并且有奖学金;需要奖学金的同学申请截止日期一定要早!2月1日

3。University of Copenhagen: Master of Science (MSc) in Computer Science-Study Track: Data Science (DS) (2年项目)录取;

4。Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin: Computer Science - Data Science (1年项目) 录取;

5。 University College Dublin (UCD) : MSc Data & Computational Science(1年项目)录取;

6。 University of Oslo: Data Science (2年项目)录取;这个录取其实拿得非常不容易,因为中标率只有5%,而且不接受应届毕业生申请,必须是已经毕业拿到学位的。


网排64,211背景,软件工程专业,GPA3.6/4,申请时为非应届毕业生,毕业后没有去找全职工作,一心准备第二年申请,在学校旁边租了房子后开始跟着导师找项目做,毕业后开始准备APS,准备的比较早。雅思申请时为6.5,单科6. 最后刷分到7,是为了在TUD的奖学金当中能够竞争更有力,但是后者实际上没有发挥太多用处,因为TUD在CS里面奖学金部分其实更加看重GPA和文书项目背景,研究领域和面试发挥,学生其实GPA还是不错的,但是项目背景更加突出而且针对性很强,计算机CS和information信息类项目就是一切啊!



3.1 项目背景:


3.2 项目内容:





4.1 专业类型和国家定位:

在选校WP经过了差不多三个月的时间,整个一个一个筛选下来时间非常长,原因是WP的倾向性要求很单纯“Pris姐,我不想申请商学院的Data analytics,我要综合性大学或者理工学院的Data ,要属于CS计算机或者Information类的,因为师资和Research的资源和商科不一样”,这个想法非常直接也很容易理解,因为WP本身是理工科,也一直想在这个跑道上面,有机会读博所需要的CS或者Information背景也是需要纯理工类,而不是商业数据分析的应用类,因为那真的是商业分析BA的领域了,虽然两个都是Data.

因为WP的211背景, 也希望能够去一些好的理工院校,因为性价比的问题,所以英国没有作为考虑,直接定位在整个欧洲,而爱尔兰的学校虽然是1年项目且花费没有比英国便宜多少,但是属于WP唯一还愿意高额的花费的地方,为了的就是爱尔兰所谓“欧洲硅谷”的美称,德国TUM是因为长久以来自己实验室的师兄就是TUM毕业的,所以一直有仰慕之情,决心也要申请,并且在毕业后就自己APS开始做准备,因为是已经毕业,所以参与的一审的过程相对来讲比较快。

4.2 学校项目确定:

本身定位的TUM是必须毕业后才能申请, Data Engineering and Analytics但是有德语要求,而WP只能申请英语授课,最后确定申请Computational Science and Engineering (CSE),这是8个学校里面唯一一个与Data不完全相关的项目,但是因为WP太喜欢TUM,所以也就申请了。而其他7个学校都是在整体看完学校的学习资料后,确定申请侧重的项目和自己项目背景倾向基本一致后才定校确定开始动机信的部分。


最后选择去TUM了,并且在拿到offer后去学校给了GRE,而GRE不考虑总分和Verbal的部分,只看Quantitative reasoning: 157和Analytical writing: 3.5。WP考到了,且让ETS送了分,申请TUM的过程真的是一波三折。


6.1 Technical University of Munich:

Master’s Programs


6.2 Delft University of Technology: 奖学金2月1日截止

MSc International


A clear and relevant essay in English (1,000 – 1,500 words) addressing the following:

  • Your motivation for choosing this MSc programme.
  • Why you are interested in TU Delft and what you expect to find here
  • If this Msc programme has specialisation(s), which specialisation interest you the most and why?
  • Describe your hypothetical thesis project: what kind of a project would you prefer? What would you want to explore? Please limit your answer to three possible topics.
  • Summarize in a maximum of 250 words your thesis work or final assignment/project. Please include information about the workload.


3。 University of Copenhagen 1月15日截止,3月15日前给消息

Admission Requirements - MSc in Computer Science - University of Copenhagen


If you have a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science or an equivalent subject from international universities you may also be admitted if your programme includes the following:

  • Courses in computer science corresponding to at least 45 ECTS credits, subject to the following distribution constraints:
    • A minimum of 10 ECTS credits within the field of programming, covering at least two substantially different programming paradigms. 编程课程
    • A minimum of 10 ECTS credits within the field of computer systems architecture, including processor architecture, operating systems, data networks, databases, etc.计算机系统,操作系统,数据网络,数据库等等
    • A minimum of 10 ECTS credits within the field of theoretical computer science, including algorithms and data structures, computability and complexity, formal languages, programming language theory and compilation, etc. 算法,数据结构,C++语言或者JAVA语言等等
  • Courses in mathematics corresponding to a total of at least 7.5 ECTS credits within the fields of discrete mathematics, linear algebra, and mathematical modelling.离散数学,线性代数、数学建模

4。Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin: Computer Science - Data Science:学费22838欧元/年


You need to be able to be fully competent in programming in C, C++ or Java [for Graphics and Vision Technologies, you will need to have or acquire competence in C++]


5。 University College Dublin (UCD) : MSc Data & Computational Science:

学费nonEU fee per year - € 18600 1年

Graduate Admissions

6。 University of Oslo: Data Science:12月1日截止,而且只有10个名额

Admission - Data Science (master's two years) - University of Oslo

关于中国学生的要求: Documentation requirements - China - University of Oslouio.no/english/studies/


Required specialisation先修课的高要求,虽然看着吓人,但实际上仍然是CS基本的数学、编程、算法、数据库、统计等等课程的要求,一般CS专业本科的都满足,如果是转CS的同学,北欧不要考虑!!!除非你成绩单有这些课!!!

The required specialization consists of 80 ECTS credits where the following, or equivalent, courses are included:

MAT1110 - Calculus and linear algebra

MAT1120 - Linear algebra

IN1900 - Introduction to Programming with Scientific Applications (INF1100 - Introduction to programming with scientific applications (continued)) / IN1000 - Introduction to Object-oriented Programming (INF1000 - Introduction to object-oriented programming (continued))

IN1010 - Object-oriented Programming / INF1010 - Object oriented programming (continued)

STK1100 - Probability and statistical modelling

STK1110 - Statistical methods and data analysis 1

Two of the following courses:

INF2220 - Algorithms and Data Structures (continued)

INF2810 - Functional Programming

INF3100 - Database Systems

IN3050 - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning / INF3490 - Biologically inspired computing

STK2100 - Machine learning and statistical methods for prediction and classification

STK3100 - Introduction to generalized linear models




2018/5/22 上午