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芬兰的翘楚-阿尔托大学Aalto University
芬兰的翘楚-阿尔托大学Aalto University | admin | 2018-04-22


Priscilla送往Aalto University的学生专业类型比较多样,交互设计,HCI(计算机人机交互),新媒体,会计,视觉艺术等等都有过,但是人数最多的三股清泉:设计,计算机,商科,下面就重点讲一下之前送走的孩子们爱选什么专业。

一。阿尔托的艺术设计与建筑学院:Aalto-Taiteiden ja suunnittelun korkeakoulu,这个是阿尔托最有名的学院,也是整个芬兰艺术设计领域最高的学府,北欧四国中最大的艺术设计大学。

在QS最新的排名专业领域艺术设计类,Art & Design

阿尔托排名17,高于很多学生的梦想Goldsmiths (英国)而格拉斯哥艺术学院也是只有19

1.1 专业列表:


而其中Priscilla学生选过的室内建筑(欧洲室内设计的课程不多,这个属于一个代表),还有新媒体,视觉设计和交互设计的孩子会选择的International Design Business Management,这里注意一下这个专业在阿尔托竟然有个同名同姓的姐妹。。。。。在商学院。。。所以这个不是商科,而是艺术类,有两个这个专业,另外一个在商科。

Master's Programme in International Design Business Management - Master of Arts






3.1 计算机:CS


ICT Innovation (EIT Digital Master School) - Data Science

Master's Programme in ICT Innovation (EIT Digital Master School) - Data Science


Study programme

The first year will be similar at all four DSc entry point universities: Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (UPM), Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), Universite Nice Sophia Antipolis (UNS) and Polytechnic University of Milan (Polimi) with foundation courses in

  • data handling,
  • data analysis,
  • advanced data analysis and data management,
  • visualization, and
  • applications


During the second year of studies, the student chooses a spesialisation option offered in one of the six exit point universities: Aalto University, UPM, TU/e, UNS, KTH, or TU Berlin. The specialisation option offered at Aalto University is Machine Learning, Big Data Management, and Business Analytics.

有的学生说阿尔托没有北欧学校那么麻烦的先修课要求,一半对,虽然阿尔托没有其他部分讨厌的学校算学分那么严格(后面博文会讲到先修课不够的情况),但是对于academic qualification还是有一定成绩单对等课程的要求,如果只是初步看你是否适合这个项目,除了看admission里面的bachelor background,还要看硕士课程里面的课程设置和你本身课程的相关度(基本是基础课程的延伸,毕竟本科学的东西还是比较浅),但如果完全都不是一个类型的甚至不是一个领域的,建议不要转。


3.2 交互设计:International Design Business Management - Master of Arts

Master's Programme in International Design Business Management - Master of Arts

项目的特点:IDBM educates students with arts, business, science and engineering backgrounds as T-shaped professionals providing them with a strategic view into creative leadership and management of international design-centric businesses, operations, and product and service development. The objective is to gain knowledge in multiple disciplines and to learn to connect one’s own disciplinary expertise to a wider multi-disciplinary, inter-disciplinary and trans-disciplinary design business framework. The global approach of IDBM programme prepares students to work in multi-cultural settings and collaborate across national and cultural boundaries. Graduates of the IDBM programme will be able to manage and lead initiatives and other individuals in order to undertake new business ventures within global environments.

这个专业是要作品集的:Students are granted admission to the programme through a two-phase process. In the first phase, applicants are assessed based on (1) their personal motivation for joining the program, (2) their academic excellence as displayed in their past studies and portfolio and (3) their professional experience

3.3 会计专业:Accounting

而其中有两个分支:management accounting or financial accounting

3.3.1 两个分支不同的职业定位:

Management accounting prepares you for general management positions, often in multinational companies, as you are equipped with the tools for solving strategic and operational problems – ranging from marketing and customer service to logistics, production and outsourcing.

Financial accounting and auditing emphasis prepares you for a path that often leads to top level auditing assignments and other jobs in the largest international auditing firms, consulting agencies and financial services companies. You might, for example, work as an advisor in industrial restructuring situations, or as an analyst of the financial position of potential investment targets in an equity portfolio in the financial industry.

3.3.2 会计专业的GPA高要求?NO! 你看错了,那是对芬兰学位的,我们需要GMAT,这是北欧学校不多的,北欧学校有很多是不要GMAT,但是阿尔托要!


Programme-specific requirements

The admission group depends on the degree you are applying with. Only applicants with a lower university degree in “Economics and Business Administration” completed in a university in Finland apply in Admission Group 1. The name of the degree is kauppatieteiden kandidaatti, KTK in Finnish. All other applicants apply in Admission Group 2.


The applicant must have completed at least 30 ECTS credits of studies in Accounting and/or closely related subjects. The studies must include:

  • a minimum of two courses (at least 12 ECTS credits in total) in financial accounting, and
  • a minimum of two courses (at least 12 ECTS credits in total) in management accounting, and
  • a minimum of one course (6 ECTS credits in total) in financial accounting, management accounting, corporate finance, or business law.

Applicants are ranked on the basis of their GMAT/GRE score. Academic background in Economic Sciences is considered an advantage.

In case of a tie applicants are evaluated on the basis of the number of credits and the grades of studies in Accounting. Also the ranking of the degree granting institution can be considered.

The programme does not evaluate previous studies of applicants in advance.

四。 繁琐麻烦的录取过程:

Master of Science in Economics and Business Administration (2 yrs)


4.2 具体项目的小要求:每个项目有自己的小要求,最终对你的要求是属于General Admission和小要求结合的



Analytic writing skills essay (admission group 2: Marketing) is written in English and it should have 750-1000 words. The essay is sent as a paper copy with the other application documents by mail.



4.3 成绩单认证CDGDC:芬兰学校基本都要,赫尔辛基大学也是一样。10月份的时候Pris给学生们做这个还是很快,1周基本上就寄出去了,但是现在11月15日之后。。。。龟速。。。妥妥的一个月的审核期,所以赶着1月24日现在还没有做的要快了。因为1月24日是要CDGDC认证完,寄送国际快递出去,然后Admission人签收,然后一看是1月24日前,才会高兴的点点头。。。。。。。否则。。。。。



