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比利时鲁汶大学LLM | admin | 2024-09-06



相比较隔壁荷兰莱顿的细化分支,包括商法两个专业,law and finance的交叉专业,国际公法,刑法,人权法,航空法之类细化的分支。鲁汶的这个项目并不是类似LSE的LLM的综合项目,它比较适合感兴趣商法和国际公法的同学,因为主要就是有两个分支:

可以注意两个分支在必修课上面其实就有比较大差别,并不是类似很多LLM的项目只是在speicliasation elective才有差异。左边的课程基本上都是世界贸易组织法,欧洲公司法, 经济法(内部市场和竞争),金融法规,其实同时感兴趣阿大law and finance和投资法,或者莱顿European and International Business Law (Advanced LL.M.)的同学也可以把眼光放过来莱顿看看。




其他欧洲还需要3篇推荐信的,还有EPFL和牛津。 You are required to submit at least three letters of recommendation from persons qualified to recommend you for post-graduate study in law. We require at least one recommendation letter from a former law professor. 而且至少得有一个是法律教授写的,不能都是职业推荐人,或者全部是非法律课程的老师。

Should I send Recommendation letters from professors or employers? 职业推荐人是可以的,但是如果能够搞定授课学校老师,尽量不要找职业推荐人。所以法律课程老师》其他课程学校老师》职业推荐人

We require three recommendation letters and prefer recommendation letters from university professors. We do however understand that in the event of the law degree having been obtained long time ago, it may be difficult to contact your law professors and in such case, letters from your employers are perfectly admissible. No specific format is required.


如果你的本科不是法学, 但是一硕是,而现在要考虑二硕,如果你本科是双专业本科,那么只要你有一张40-60ECTS的法律成绩单,都可以考虑申请荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学莱顿大学的一些LLM项目。但是这个项目不行,非常倾向要LLB,而如果你是别的专业的,基本上必须是硕士的几个固定专业并且有法律工作经验,所以其实非LLB基本上几率很小。

1. To be eligible for admission to the LL.M. programme, you must have obtaineda law degreewhich entitles the holder to practise law (sit the bar exam) in the jurisdiction in which the degree was obtained.

In exceptional circumstances, we will also consider applicants who hold an equivalent degree in a cognate discipline with a sufficient background in European and International Law. In practice, this will be limited to applicants with Masters degrees in international relations, political theory, institutional sociology or European studies and who graduated with high honours and can demonstrate relevant working experience. 国际关系、政治理论、制度社会学或欧洲研究硕士学位,并且有足够的工作经验,而且即便是这样苛刻的要求,也是exceptional circumstance,所以意思就是大概率非LLB机会非常小。

四。雅思要求:最低雅思总分7,托福最低100. 这里单科对方说的其实期待高,但是没有卡死要求,所以如果你的总分是7,单科不够6,建议还是试试看,只要总分到7了都建议试试看


Is an alternative proof of knowledge of the English language, other than TOEFL, IELTS or Cambridge certificate-advanced level admissible?

No, only TOEFL (minimum score of 100 Internet Based), IELTS (minimum average score of 7.0) and Cambridge-Advanced level are recognised and admitted. The reason we only accept these three test is that they have a consistent framework of assessment and provide information on your English writing, reading, listening and speaking skills.

Please note that for IELTS tests, we make no exceptions for average scores lower than IELTS 7.0 and strongly prefer to receive IELTS scores with a minimum of 7.0 on all band scores, this will increase your chances of receiving an offer.

You may apply with a test reservation, but you will only receive an outcome on your application once we have the test results.

The same applies if your English language test score is not yet available. Upload your test reservation and provide us with your test results once you have obtained them and in any case prior to the 1 June application deadline. Do note that we will only be able to make a final decision on your application once you have uploaded your test results.


