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HKU港大商科硕士20年入学提前申请批次19年5月截止 | admin | 2019-04-27






1.1 为了奖学金

这个提前批次是针对于2020年入学的所有HKU Faculty of Business and Economics的一年制的所有项目而言的。

The Early Admissions Scheme now invites undergraduate students who are going to graduate from a Bachelor’s degree programme before early July of 2020 to apply for the 2020 intake of the 1-year full-time Masters Programmes at Faculty of Business and Economics of The University of Hong Kong.

A Pre-Conditional Offer plus Early Admission Scholarship of 20% of total tuition fee will be offered to selected candidates for Intake 2020. 预录取的offer+20%学费减免的奖学金。

1.2 不影响正常批次录取:

Points to note

  • Successful candidates are required to submit a formal application when the application system for the normal admissions cycle is open in September/October 2019 即便是拿到pre-conditional offer的同学,后续也需要提交正常申请走流程,但是就是走流程了。
  • Unsuccessful candidates for the early admissions scheme are welcome to apply for Intake 2020 again when normal admissions cycle starts. AND, the chance of being admitted in the normal admissions cycle will not be affected 没有成功的同学2020年正常批次还是可以申请的。不影响申请几率,所以就是Pris说到的“不申白不申”,如果你的学校够格,GPA接近3.7,还是可以尝试一下的。



2.1 Eligibility 申请资格

Students who are going to graduate from a full-time Bachelor’s degree programme before early July of 2020 就是20年秋季入学的这批同学,今年9-10月份就要开始正式申请轮数的同学们

Students from all disciplines are welcome 香港,新加坡和英国理论上都有转专业的可能性,严格程度并没有欧洲这么讲究先修课,但是还是这个道理,你要知道你的对手是什么样的,如果其他的对手都是本专业的同学并且硬件GPA,雅思,GMAT都没有任何硬伤,转专业就会成为难点,除非你可以有同样的硬件三围。

*Current Year 3 students of a 4-year bachelor’s degree and Year 2 students of a 3-year bachelor’s degree 大三应届毕业生是可以申请的。

2.2 Academic Requirements学术要求

Priority will be given to students studying in a top tier university in their respective countries/regions with a CGPA of 3.7 or above or equivalent

顶尖段位学校的均分还要3.7+,并且申请金融和Business analytics商业分析专业的同学需要足够的数学和统计学的知识。对于金融专业统计学一门课就可以,但是BA不仅仅是一门统计学就可以,还需要很多统计学的进阶课程来体现数理背景。

Students who are studying in STEM or possess strong mathematics and statistics knowledge are highly preferred in Master of Finance and MSc in Business Analytics programmes

2.3 雅思要求和实习要求

Other Requirements

A satisfactory TOEFL/IELTS score if you are not studying in an university using English as language of instruction (You will be required to provide TOEFL/IELTS score at a later stage if you do not process this at the time of application to the Early Admissions Scheme) 如果目前没有的话,可以后补

Prior internship experience will be taken into consideration;这一点是很独特的,因为现在所有20年秋季入学的同学们都已经为9-10月份的第一轮申请开始准备了,选校了解,雅思和GMAT考试,文书是三条线一起准备的。如果现在已经有实习经验的同学可以申请提前批次,实习推荐信在网申的清单里面是有的,但是不是一定需要的材料,如果找实习主管写推荐信不费劲的话,请同时提供增加自己的申请几率。唯一必须上传的就是成绩单,其他都是optional,但是如果你有的话还是上传吧。

2.4 网申系统材料清单



3.1 Finance: 第一轮10月12日

3.2 Accounting: 第一轮10月29日

3.3 Business Analytics: 第一轮11月1日

3.4 Economics: 第一轮11月5日

3.5 Marketing: 最晚,1月3日第一轮,第一轮竞争不过,会直接拒或者会被推迟到第二轮


